William Jewell College hosted its annual Celebration of Honors ceremony on April 23. The hybrid event was held in Gano Chapel with a limited number of attendees spaced out in the auditorium – to comply with COVID-19 restrictions – and all other attendees watching the event via Zoom. This was the first celebratory event held in Gano Chapel since Jewell introduced COVID-19 safety guidelines last year.
The Celebration of Honors, held the same day as Duke Colloquium, is a chance for the College to honor student achievement, which includes the presentation of the prestigious Faculty Award.
The 2021 Faculty Award winner is Jackson Still, economics and political science major from Lubbock, Texas. Still is a member of the Cardinal golf team and Mortar Board. During his time at Jewell, Still co-founded the Cardinal Union and served as its president. He also served in leadership roles in Phi Gamma Delta, College Union Activities, and Student Senate. After graduation, he will be an academic intern at The Fund for American Studies Program in Washington, D.C., while attending George Mason University.
Still credits this award to “the men of Phi Gamma Delta here at Jewell and all they have done to push me to become the man I am today,” as well as his professors for their dedication. According to Still, “acceptance of the Faculty Award is a testament to the exceptional community that we have at Jewell more than it is a recognition of any individual achievement.”
The complete list of departmental and student awards is as follows.
Awards in Biology:
Dr. Burdette L. Wagenknecht Award for an outstanding first-year biology major – Alexis Harper
Charles F. J. Newlon Award for an outstanding sophomore biology major – Rachel Reaves
Monte Harmon Award for an outstanding junior biology major – Mason Alexander
Dr. Judith A. Dilts Award for an outstanding junior biology major – William White
Dr. Burnell Landers Award for an outstanding senior biology major – Caleb Houghton
Awards in Business and Leadership:
Hastings L. Schies Memorial Scholarship for a deserving junior or senior female student majoring in business administration or finance who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement – Felecia Cummons
Walter J. Stark Award for development in business studies – Anthony Hansen
John W. Boatwright Scholar to a student majoring in economics – Jayme Coon
Boatwright Economics Leadership Scholar to a student majoring in economics – Noah Mayo
Otis and Florence Miller Academic Award for the senior graduating with the highest GPA in accounting, business or economics – Malorie Colby
Accounting Faculty Award for outstanding seniors in accounting – Malorie Colby, Garrett Peoples, Grant Peoples
Business Faculty Award for the outstanding senior in business administration – Zachary Bayless
Economics Faculty Award for the outstanding senior in economics – Carter Olsen
E. Anne Earnest Nonprofit Leadership Award for the outstanding senior in nonprofit leadership – Kylee Newton
Awards in Chemistry and Biochemistry:
Outstanding First-Year in Chemistry or Biochemistry – Jorey Luebbert, Kyla Schulte, Carly Thacker
Promising First-year in Chemistry or Biochemistry – Alyssa Hash, Ethan Nichols, Traeten Thorell
James R. Eaton Memorial Scholarship for achievement as a chemistry major – Hailee Brushwood, Cecelia Rogers
Frank H. Fristoe Scholarship for achievement in chemistry – Eli Engledow, Megan Hall, Megan Rohrer, Rachel Schon, Hannah Sherman
Outstanding Seniors in Chemistry or Biochemistry – Catherine Cogley, Cara Kingman
Awards in Communication and Theatre:
Austin Cooper Edwards Acting Awards – Isaac Chizhik, Jaimeson Satterfield
Virginia D. Rice Award for excellence in theatre throughout the year – Sequoia Crissman
Kim Harris Golden Hammer Award for Excellence in Technical Theatre – Garrett Washington
Alpha Psi Omega Key Award for four years of service to Jewell Theatre Company – Sequoia Crissman
Richard L. Harriman Theatre Scholarship established in 1994 by the Fine Arts Guild for outstanding theatre students – Faith Harris, Morgan Tuttle
Digital Media Communication Outstanding Senior Award – Bryar Buhlig
The Department of Communication and Theatre Award for Internship Excellence – Michaela Esau
The Murphy Award for Excellence to a senior communication major planning a career in law – Madeline Wingert
The Kim and Lois Anne Harris Department of Communication and Theatre Outstanding Senior Award – Lydia Enge, Madeline Wingert
Awards in Education:
Chad Garrison “Reach Out and Touch Someone” Award to an education major who has demonstrated sensitivity and compassion for others through volunteer service – Tyler Heston
Lutie Chiles Elementary Education Award to an outstanding sophomore in elementary education – Charlene Noble
Ida Coffman Education Award to an outstanding junior in elementary education – Brady O’Donnell
Elementary Student Teacher Award – Grace Haug, Sydney Offield
Secondary Student Teacher Award – Rey Camareno, Tanner Vance
Outstanding Seniors in Elementary Education – Lillian Frevert, Carman Stephenson
Outstanding Senior in Secondary Education – Rachel Harris
Awards in Engineering:
Outstanding Senior in Civil Engineering – Shane Lang
Awards in English:
Pinkerton-Rick Scholarship to English majors entering the senior year who have contributed to the English department through creative thinking and helpfulness – Emma Mayfield, Tyler Sherman
Outstanding Senior English Major Award – James Hobbs
Award in History:
Kenneth Chatlos Award for best capstone essays in the Department of History – Kaitlyn Harken, James Hobbs
U. R. Pugh Memorial Scholarship for achievement as a history major – Hayley Michael
Awards in Languages:
Spanish Research Award for scholarly achievement in literary and cultural study – Kelsey Lanterman
Outstanding Senior in Spanish to a graduating major with a record of excellence – Carter Olsen
Awards in Mathematics and Data Science:
George A. Ross Mathematics Award to a senior mathematics major with the highest academic record in mathematics – Connor Morehouse
Awards in Music:
Ida and Maybelle Glenn Music Scholarship for outstanding achievement to someone preparing to teach music – Dre’Shon Tolbert
Edward Lakin Music Theory Award to the student with the highest GPA in the first year of music theory courses – Daniel Samsel
Linda L. Thomssen String Award for an outstanding string player – Kathleen Wilcock
The Wes & Ginger Forbis Award for a rising senior in music – Laurence Dahlsten
The Collegiate Artists Competition, the winner of this annual competition performs a solo with the Liberty Symphony Orchestra – Laurence Dahlsten
Awards in Nursing:
Awards for Integrity – A’Leiya Clark (BSN), Jennifer Hutton (BSN-AT)
Awards for Compassion – Abigail Rand (BSN), Traci Fleming (BSN-AT)
Awards for Scholarship – Meredith Scarborough (BSN), Alice Kirsch (BSN-AT)
Anne Bax Ozbolt Awards for Servant Leadership – Halie Juarez (BSN), Bailey Brockley (BSN-AT)
Awards for Excellence in Practice – Cutter Sanders (BSN), Gabrielle Miranda (BSN-AT)
Mary Grant Seacole Awards for Service – Cody Lampe (BSN), Marissa Dillon (BSN-AT)
Outstanding Academic Achievement Award – Kaitlyn Pohl (BSN), Mona Akbarnia (BSN-AT)
Outstanding Nursing Student Award – Annemarie Boeh (BSN), Manuel Arciniega (BSN-AT)
Leesa A. McBroom Spirit of Nursing Book Award – Anjeli Ravi (BSN-AT)
Awards in Physics:
The Charles Don Geilker Feynman Lectures Award to an outstanding first-year physics student – Ellesa Henning
James R. Eaton Memorial Scholarships for achievement as sophomore or junior physics major – Graham Chambers-Wall
C. D. Geilker Award for achievement in the general physics course for a student majoring in physics, physics education or dual-degree engineering – Hope Peck
John E. Davis Sigma Pi Sigma Award for a senior physics major with the highest level of achievement in physics – Graham Chambers-Wall
Outstanding Senior Physics Major Award – Catherine Dema
Awards in Political Science:
Outstanding First-Year Students in Political Science – Jacqueline Hensley, Hattie Miller
Outstanding Sophomore in Political Science – Christian Santiago
Outstanding Juniors in Political Science – Zachary Mertes, Hayley Michael, Madalyn Newton
Outstanding Senior in Political Science – Madison Carroll Porth
Dr. Will Adams Scholarship for an outstanding political science major – Kyler Schardein
Pi Sigma Alpha – Matthew Oliver Senior Scholar Award – Jackson Still
Awards in Psychological Science:
Distinguished Graduates in Psychological Science – Addisyn Cress, Rhyann Fisher, Hannah Koehler
Premier Graduate in Psychological Science – Kole Wagener
Student Publications Awards:
The Hilltop Monitor Newcomer Award – Zachary Dube, Krista Halstead, Elizabeth Payton
The Hilltop Monitor Community Outreach and Engagement Award – Samantha Bahler
The Hilltop Monitor Editorial Leadership Award – Trenton Brink, Catherine Dema, Agatha Gutierrez, Savannah Hawley, Christina Kirk, Hannah Koehler, Kyler Schardein, Kari Tott
Inscape Poem of the Year – Michaela Esau
Inscape Fiction of the Year – Jenna Hultgren
Inscape Creative Nonfiction of the Year – James Hobbs
Inscape Fine Art of the Year for Visual Art, Digital Art or Music – Kenton Fox-Horst
The John and Mary Pritchard Humanitarian Service Awards:
The Award annually goes to one or more William Jewell students who commit to engaging with people in need, developing relationships with people different from them in all fundamental aspects and learning about their unique gifts and about what God calls them to do with those gifts.
Noah Mayo
Mortar Board:
A national honor society demonstrating ideals of leadership, scholarship and service. Members are selected through an application process and must the meet ideals of the society and have a GPA in the top 35% of their junior class.
Kayla Burdette, Catherine Cogley, Malorie Colby, Christopher Cotton, Addisyn Cress, Catherine Dema, Elizabeth Ellis, Tori Farr, Brianna Francis, Lillian Frevert, Rose Galetti, Tyrell Jeffries, Cara Kingman, Christina Kirk, Hannah Koehler, Chance Lister, Kylee Newton, Caitlin Overmeyer, Kaitlyn Popejoy, Madison Carroll Porth, Elizabeth Quinn, Allison Rawls, Teagen Rich, Megan Sprague, Jessica Steinbach, Carman Stephenson, Jackson Still, Alexander Thiessen and Macyn Wilbers
Phi Epsilon Honor Society:
Students graduating in the 10% of the class based on institutional GPA and a minimum of 60 credit hours at William Jewell College.
Lacey Albers, Catherine Cogley, Malorie Colby, Elizabeth Ellis, Lillian Frevert, Kaitlyn Harken, James Hobbs, Thomas Hollinberger, Cara Kingman, Hannah Koehler, Kelsey Lanterman, Garrett Peoples, Grant Peoples, Kaitlyn Pohl and Victoria Vogt
Graduating with Honors:
Graduation with Honors is awarded to students who completed a project within their declared major and Graduation with Distinction is awarded to students who completed a project in a subject outside of their declared major. Eligible students must graduate with a minimum GPA of 3.5 and must have completed A-level work on a project over two or more semesters.
With Distinction in Chemistry – Kaitlyn Popejoy
With Distinction in Philosophy – Madison Carroll Porth
With Honors in Education – Lillian Frevert, Carman Stephenson
With Honors in Oxbridge History of Ideas – Catherine Dema
With Honors in Oxbridge Institutions and Policy – Madison Carroll Porth
WIth Honors in Physics – Catherine Dema
Graduating in the Oxbridge Honors Program:
Isaac Chizhik, Catherine Dema, Savannah Hawley, Christina Kirk, Caitlin Overmeyer, Madison Carroll Porth, Jacob Shutts and Nathan Wasson