To the delight of students over 21 from Melrose to Senior House, the cafeteria will now provide White Claw on tap. After shooting to popularity in recent years, White Claw – a spiked sparkling water – has become a staple for college students everywhere. Through some silent pleading and the cafeteria staff’s uncanny ability to know what students want, the beverage will now be available to accompany a nice Tendy-Tuesday lunch.
It remains unclear which flavors will be available and whether the Claw will replace the new favorite, Bubly, in the soda fountain. Regardless, this legal adult is anxious to try mixing the DIY flavoring with the boozy option.
Students appear to be looking forward to the potential pick-me-ups Claws will provide.
“Nothing sounds better than drinking an ice-cold black cherry White Claw with my beef sancho at 10:30 a.m. on a Wednesday,” said White Claw enthusiast and senior international relations and Oxbridge institutions and policy major Christina Kirk.
Keep an eye out for the new beverage in the caf and continue following this story to learn whether White Claw will be delivered to those unfortunate souls in quarantine, who are unable to retrieve their own drinks from the cafeteria.