Critical Thought and Inquiry (CTI) classes allow students to learn subjects outside of their major and get to know professors in other departments. However, you…
Read More2016 Oscar Predictions
It is the responsibility of the Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences to present the most distinguished works of the year. Covering nearly all…
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Obscure Sports Weekly: Caber Toss
While Americans have football, soccer, basketball and baseball, the people of Scotland gather, cheering fans and all, to watch their strongest participants compete in the…
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Sustainability in the Dining Hall: Where does your food go?
Every day, Jewell students choose a side of the dining room, eat their food, laugh with friends and scrape their plates into the small trashcans…
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Ghost stories of Jewell
As Halloween approaches the William Jewell College (WJC) campus, students begin to prepare their costumes and look forward to the FIJI Halloween Rave. However, too…
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Man vs. machine: A review of the new “Steve Jobs” movie
It is nearly impossible to measure the impact Steve Jobs had on the technical and social communities of the world. I am typing this review…
Read MoreEdward Snowden: patriot or traitor?
Since Edward Snowden released thousands of secret NSA documents detailing United States involvement in both domestic and foreign surveillanceto certain journalists, the question of whether…
Read MoreWho should replace Jon Stewart?
Jon Stewart, our generation’s favorite comedian turned anchorman, is leaving “The Daily Show” at the end of this year. Who can and should replace him?…
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Missouri voters reject early voting and teacher evaluation amednments
On Tuesday, Nov. 4, voters were presented with four potential constitutional amendments. Amendment 2 covered new policies for criminal trials, Amendment 3 proposed new teacher evaluation…
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