Since the debut of his 2004 album, “The College Dropout,” Kanye West has been setting the standard for hip-hop and rap. Needless to say, his…
Read MoreWinter Movie Preview
In recent years, the film industry has found a niche market in the November and December months almost on par with the summer blockbuster season.…
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The 8th wonder of the world found in KC: A review of Seva
Review of Seva Cuisine of India You open a door and are immediately enveloped in a cloud of aromatic ecstasy. You feel comforted, as if…
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Man vs. machine: A review of the new “Steve Jobs” movie
It is nearly impossible to measure the impact Steve Jobs had on the technical and social communities of the world. I am typing this review…
Read MoreApp Review: The Hanx Typewriter app is retro on the retina
A screenshot of the Hanx Typewriter app I am writing this on a typewriter. Simultaneously, I am writing this on my iPad. Welcome to Hanx…
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Theater Review: “Old Times”
Annette Dauster’s senior play “Old Times,” written by Harold Pinter, starts as soon as you walk in. The character Anna, played by Hillary Holt, senior,…
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