William Jewell College student Brush Rash weighs in on why Bernie Sanders has his vote for 2016. #feelthebern There has been quite the stir in…
Read MoreThe state of transgender rights in the United States
On Apr. 24, 2015, former Olympian and reality television star Bruce Jenner came out publicly as a transgender woman. Jenner’s interview with Diane Sawyer garnered over…
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Headlines: Detroit’s bankruptcy
On Jul. 18, 2013, Detroit officially filed for bankruptcy, but it was not until December of the same year that the city was approved to…
Read MoreMinimum wage workers protest for a raise to 15 USD
The crusade to raise the minimum wage, first spurred by protesters in New York City Nov. 2012, continues to this day and has already begun to…
Read MoreImmigration to Europe proves dangerous for Middle Eastern migrants
On Saturday, Apr. 20, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), an estimated 800 people died when their ship, which was headed for the…
Read MoreCalifornia’s “megadrought” is costing the state billions
Governor Jerry Brown of California issued mandatory water restrictions in an executive order Apr. 1, 2015. The record-low snowfalls in winter 2015 have caused the…
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Headlines: Presidential pardons
Since President Obama took office in 2008, he has received requests for 1,888 pardons and 16,523 commutations. Of these thousands of requests, Obama has awarded…
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Headlines: Free community college
On Jan. 8, President Obama proposed a plan that would make the first two years of community college free to all those willing to meet…
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U.S. and Iran find common ground in nuclear framework
Senior diplomats from the Unites States and Iran met in Switzerland to finalize the framework of a nuclear deal. (BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty) The nuclear deal with…
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