Inscape, William Jewell College’s literary magazine, is published every spring and features student submissions. Although the magazine’s team has experienced several changes for the 2020 fall semester, they are still working diligently to prepare for the spring 2021 publication.
Jenna Hultgren, sophomore English and psychological science major and editor-in-chief of Inscape, explained the selection process for the pieces featured in Inscape.
“Students can submit poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, digital art, photography, visual art, music, theatre piece or any kind of creative work. The editors go through a selection process, and the pieces that make it through end up published in the final product,” said Hultgren.
Hultgren also emphasized that anyone of any skill level can submit pieces to Inscape, adding that not only is it a way to share creative work but also looks attractive on future applications and resumes.
“We would like the Jewell community to know that anyone can submit creative works to us. We accept any and all creative pieces. We’re always in need of more submissions, and it looks great on your resume to have been published somewhere!” said Hultgren.
While preparing for the spring publication, the Inscape team is working through a number of challenges this year due to COVID-19 and recent staff changes.
“Due to COVID-19, we no longer have the budget to continue with our paper copies, so everything will be online. Most of our editing staff graduated last year, so Cameron White – our current fiction editor and last year’s editor-in-chief – and I are the only returning members from last year’s staff,” stated Hultgren.
Despite the significant changes to the staff, Hultgren is enthusiastic and looking forward to seeing how the publication goes with the new team that has been assembled.
The Inscape team consists of Hultgren; Managing Editor Savannah Hawley, senior French and Oxbridge literature and theory major; Poetry Genre Editor Sydney Bass, senior English and Spanish major; Fiction Genre Editor Cameron White, senior English major; Creative Non-fiction Genre Editor Hannah Koehler, senior English and psychological science major; and Art Genre Editor Isabel Warden, sophomore public relations major.
The Inscape team is still looking for a web editor who will manage the website, publish the final product and will also have a say in the progression of Inscape. If interested in the position or wanting to submit a piece for print consideration, email Hultgren at hultgrenj.19@william.jewell.edu.