Stories are an integral part of all
The Celebration aims to ignite interest in storytelling as an art form. Stories can range from real and personal to fantastical and imaginary. During the festival hosted by Mid-Continent Public Library, Metropolitan Community College and River and Prairie Storyweavers, nationally and regionally recognized storytellers, will be telling their tales online. Each storyteller has a unique background and style that makes them exemplary members of their field. To learn more about the storytellers, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Each night of storytelling is shown on the Mid-Continent Public Library website, listing what type of story it is, who the storyteller is, and what age range the story is appropriate for. To view a story, you can click on the link and it will direct you to the MCPL360 Facebook page to watch the story at the correct time. Each story lasts about an hour and on Nov. 7 the schedule is packed with workshops and celebrations. The workshops will be on Zoom, and attendees need to register beforehand. You can register using your MCPL library card number or continue as a guest.
Some of the stories include sounds or different languages to engage the listener in a variety of ways. To find out more about the program, the storytellers and the types of stories that will be shared, check out this video on the website.
The schedule for Nov. 2 to Nov. 7 is below.
Storytelling Celebration Schedule
Monday, Nov. 2
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: True Adventures of Growing Up on a Rural Missouri Farm (MCPL360)
“Storyteller Beth Horner grew up on Sugar Grove Farm in Boone County, Missouri.”
Ages 6+
Tuesday, Nov. 3
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: The Bebop Monster (MCPL360)
“With my imagination, you have the power to create a story any way you want. Even your [fave] monster can dig some cool, Bebop Jazz.”
Ages 3+
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: Tricksters and Shapeshifters! (MCPL360)
“‘Are these stories true? Yes and no, of course!’ Join Gene as he shares stories from his Native heritage and personal experiences.”
Ages 9+
Wednesday, Nov. 4
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: Tales in Tandem (MCPL360)
“There are always two sides to every story. Linda and Gary tell stories of road trips and true love from personal experience to Greek myths. Come and listen before you decide which side you choose.”
For adults
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: It’s Storytelling Time (MCPL360)
“Join Oba William King for a collection of story-songs, folk tales, rhythm and rhyme, with original stories and poems from his books.”
Ages 8+
Thursday, Nov. 5
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: Silly Stuff (MCPL360)
“From tee-hee to guffaw, with giggles in between, this program is not for the serious minded. Check all scowls at the door! Stories, songs and puppets galore!”
Ages 4+
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: Once Upon a Cuento (MCPL360)
“Ready for some fun? Laughter & smiles need no translation!”
Ages 9+
Friday, November 6
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: True Tall Tales & Other Lies (MCPL360)
“Jim Wallen shares side-splitting, belly laughing stories of growing up in the Ozarks.”
Ages 9+
Saturday, November 7
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
“Join storyteller and musician Oba William King and learn how to capture audiences’ attention through storytelling, poetry and drama.”
For adults
11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: Family Storytelling Concert Featuring Beth Horner (MCPL360)
“‘Pluck, Muck, Laughter & Groans: Stories and Songs from My Family to Yours:’ From childhood farmyard escapades to traditional tales of adventure, storyteller Beth Horner will captivate with stories told with words, music, kazoos & bones.”
All ages
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
“Use a second language as a sprinkle of spice (only a word or two necessary) or as a flavorful main ingredient (more fluency) and learn how to blend two languages into a savory story that flows with ease. Discover and develop your own tasty tales through demonstration and participation. Appropriate for new or experienced tellers. Fluency in second language is NOT required.”
For adults
2:15 – 3:00 p.m.
Storytelling Celebration 2020: Family Storytelling Concert Featuring Gene Tagaban (MCPL360)
“‘Are these stories true? Yes and no, of course!’ Join Gene as he shares stories from his Native heritage and personal experiences. The teachings of Raven and Coyote, rising of the tides and the people of the air, water and land. Trees hold the remembering, if you want to remember ask the trees. To enjoy this virtual program, go to our MCPL360 Facebook page at the scheduled day and time.”
All ages