When people think of thrift stores, racks of haphazardly organized clothes typically come to mind. However, there is a thrift store in Kansas City’s Midtown that offers so much more. ScrapsKC is a thrift store supplied by donations. They offer everything from sewing necessities to office supplies to mosaic and stained glass materials.
According to the ScrapsKC website, this unconventional thrift store is Kansas City’s “first creative reuse center.” ScrapsKC claims this title because they are not only the perfect place to donate any of your excess craft supplies, but they will also recycle your plastics. From the recycled plastics, they make crafting supplies such as weaving looms and paint pallets. Last time I visited ScrapsKC, they had also purchased a felting machine and had just begun recycling felt scraps, which will hopefully be available for purchase soon.
With new materials set out every week and a very kind suite of staff and volunteers, ScrapsKC is the kind of store you will want to visit often. The store is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 12 to 5 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Next time you find yourself needing materials for a new project, wanting to donate excess supplies or looking for inspiration, head down to ScrapsKC at 3269 Roanoke Rd in Kansas City, Missouri.

Photos by Alexis Harper.