While picnics are arguably lovely at any given time, there is something particularly compelling about a picnic in the springtime.
If you are debating on whether you should take the time to go on a picnic, here are some pictures from my last picnic to give you some inspiration.

When it comes to a spring picnic, the more colors the better.

A nice charcuterie board is always a crowd pleaser on picnics.

On this particular picnic, I did try to make spring rolls. Don’t look too closely, my technique is terrible. They were, however, delicious with the Thai peanut sauce which is pictured on the right.

If you have a small and furry friend to invite, I would highly recommend it. He may try to eat your food, but it is a risk that you should be willing to take. Extra points if this picnic guest’s name is Walter.

Okay, this is your final reminder to go on a spring picnic. Also, invite me to come.