This year, a new William Jewell College-related Instagram account has taken the Jewell community by storm – wjc_memes. This entertaining meme account that creates and posts memes about Jewell has quickly garnered a following of over 500 people on Instagram, and the account is still growing at a strong pace.
Recently, wjc_memes came to an agreement with the Hilltop Monitor where, if they received 200 likes on a specific post, the Hilltop Monitor would write a story about the account. Needless to say, wjc_memes reached the goal that was set out for them. I had the opportunity to talk with the person who runs the account over Instagram and I am pleased to share everything I learned. So without further ado, here’s some insight into the hilarious yet mysterious wjc_memes.
“It all started in this group chat I had with some friends, all of which also attend college here, and we’d share memes with each other over this chat,” wjc_memes said in regard to their inspiration for a Jewell-centered meme account.
As the memes shared by the person who runs wjc-memes began to evolve from general memes to more Jewell-related ones, they got the idea to create an Instagram account to post all of these memes. After running it by their friends in the chat, who all agreed to the idea, the account started with a crudely drawn picture of the Cardinal logo and expanded from there.
“The page was just a fun thing I’d do to get some laughs,” wjc_memes said in regards to the original goal of the account.
They do acknowledge that their perception of the account and what it can accomplish has changed. After receiving messages about how the memes have brightened people’s days, they realized that this account could do more than just give a few chuckles, but also bring some genuine joy into people’s busy and stressful lives. They have also noticed that the account has broken down social barriers at Jewell.
“Jewell is a very clique-y school,” said the runner of the account. “Everybody tends to stay in their groups, so I’m glad that I can use this platform to break down some of those barriers and bring some resemblance of unity to the college.”
Something that I have always thought about is what the administration thinks about the account. I was pretty sure that they were aware of the meme account, and this was confirmed by wjc_memes. I have noticed that the account has been careful not to cross the line with any of their posts, which goes a long way towards keeping wjc_memes away from any controversy.
“The last thing I want is for a light roast to turn into a personal attack,” said wjc_memes. “I’m very careful when I make or post another person’s meme of that particular style.”
They acknowledge that the best way to avoid problems with the administration is to remain anonymous and ensure that potentially destructive memes don’t get published.
I was also curious as to the process of coming up with the idea for a meme and then creating it. For brainstorming, they try to take something that is common to most Jewell students and turn that into a meme.
“The lockdown drill is a good example,” said wjc_memes. “It was something that every student had to participate in, and most people just see that as a thing we have to do, so it really comes down to finding common ground.”
In terms of creating the memes, they do everything on their phone with about six different photo and video editing apps, all of which are user-friendly.
“Once I have the idea it’s just a matter of finding the right picture to hit the message home,” said wjc_memes.
I have noticed that the time span between memes has grown significantly since the account first started. Figuring that the account was a large commitment, I decided to ask about the challenges in balancing wjc_memes with school and other activities.
“Recently, the page has been a large commitment,” wjc_memes confirmed. “Balance-wise, school and my other involvements take priority, so if I have to postpone a meme for a day or so, I will.”
One of the biggest talking points surrounding this account is the identity of who runs it. Everybody has their suspicions, but not many people know for sure, and those who do carefully guard wjc_memes’ real identity. I also noticed in their responses to my questions that they were very careful in their answers as to not give too many hints towards their identity. wjc_memes is well aware of the enigma surrounding their account.
“All I can say is that it’s more complicated than people think,” said wjc_memes.
“I would be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about revealing my identity at some point, but if I do, it won’t be anytime soon,” wjc_memes said when asked about the possibility of revealing their identity.
They are well aware that the secrecy around the account adds to the allure of it, and they don’t plan to give that up anytime soon.
It’s hard to say how long this Jewell-centered meme page will last, as it in part depends on when the owner of the account graduates.
“The page exists to give the gift of laughter, and I don’t want that vision to change anytime soon,” said the account runner. I say we just enjoy the funny memes while we can.
I want to take this time to say thanks to wjc_memes for taking time out of their busy schedule to answer my questions. I also want to say congratulations on hitting 500 followers and that if you don’t already follow them, change that. Trust me, it is worth it.