I had a meeting with one of my favorite professors a few weeks ago. We started the meeting with the usual pleasantries and questions about…
Call Your Mother: What do when a friend is stressed
We’ve all heard plenty of advice on what to do to manage stress. We may have even actually learned from that advice and figured out…
Call Your Mother: How to be more efficient
We all have bad days sometimes. Maybe you did poorly on a test, got a speeding ticket or slept through your alarm. Maybe nothing bad…
Call Your Mother: What am I doing with my life?
Have you recently witnessed a group of seniors having mental breakdowns in your residence hall? Noticed a junior scrolling through the pages of Handshake for…
Call Your Mother: Not to Scale, A 2021 Resolution
While 2021 may already look different than most years, one of the most common New Year’s resolutions has remained the same: lose weight. The lose…
Senior Feature: The Hilltop Monitor
With the 2020-21 academic year coming to a close, The Hilltop Monitor honors its senior staff members, who each have taken time to reflect upon…
AFE: PLC music brings jejalaldfjowierjopwjkdfj;lkjf sl;;;;;
Overall, I give this playlist 4.5/5 stars! If I have to criticize anything, it’s that it isn’t loud ENOUGH. The Pryor Learning Commons boasts millions…
Argument Etiquette Over the Holidays: How to Successfully Defuse and De-escalate Mealtime Conversations for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving
Photo by Vitaly Gariev via Uplash. It’s going to be quite a Thanksgiving this year, considering the current political landscape! If, like me, you really…
Advice: Who the hell am I? And should I be who I am?
I recently had a conversation with someone I had not talked to in a long while. I was feeling particularly unenthused with my life this…