A survival guide for Jewell first years

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College can seem daunting, but it is also filled with some of the best years of your life. You receive the opportunity to grow, learn and discover who you are as an individual and form connections and friendships that can last a lifetime. Below is a set of my top tips on how to thrive at Jewell your first year.

Effort = Success 

Here at Jewell, classes can seem impossible at times. Jewell will challenge you mentally and push you to expand your knowledge and thinking in ways you never thought possible. I encourage you to never give up because even if something may not be your strength, hard work and effort will always earn you recognition from your peers and professors. Listen and learn as much as you can because Jewell does help shape you as a critical thinker, and in life that will set you apart from the rest.

Keep your eye on the prize

It is easy to become distracted at college by social activities, sports and extracurricular activities. However, keeping your goals clearly outlined each day and week will help you stay organized and keep you on the right track. I find that keeping a planner or a large calendar on hand helps me prioritize my day and keep myself accountable.

Know when to ask for help

Sometimes life can hit you all at once, and it’s important to be able to identify when you’re struggling and ask for help. There are a multitude of resources at Jewell that can help you in various areas that you may be academically or emotionally challenged. Jewell has tutors and academic advising that can help get you back on track. However, your professors are the best resources, and it’s important to let them know if you’re struggling or need help in specific areas of study. Jewell also has counseling services if you need help with your emotions or mental health.

Always make time for self-care

 It is important to always put not only your health, but your mental health as a priority. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed in college, especially if you are overcoming homesickness. I enjoyed making a journal in order to keep my life in perspective. It can also help to do things that bring you joy or comfort.

Meet people in different social groups

At Jewell, it’s easy to interact only with people in your social group or sports team. However, I have made some of my closest friends by interacting with others that weren’t in my social circle. It’s important to diversify your social interactions – you may discover things in common with others that you wouldn’t normally.

Take time to enjoy your college experience 

College moves quickly, and as I reflect on my time Jewell as a senior, I wish that I would have pushed myself to become more involved in life at Jewell. I encourage you to go to sporting events, join a club or take a class that challenges you. Your experience at Jewell is what you make of it, so lean in and enjoy your time. I wish that I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about every detail of my life. Being in healthcare, I have seen life, death, tragedy and miracles, so if you are to take any of my advice it would be to slow down and enjoy the journey.

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