Sitting down with Becca Saffier, the founder of Art Club at William Jewell College, I find there’s more warmth to the new art club than I expected. Although helped by two unnamed Oxbridge students currently studying at Oxford this year, Saffier is the one who runs the club.
“More people showed up than I expected,” Saffier said, referencing the first meeting of the club, which occurred Feb. 6.
The unexpected attention was gratifying. The Art Club, founded both as a way to enjoy art – particularly for those who do not have time in their studies to take an arts course – and to facilitate artistic endeavors on campus after college-wide budget cuts resulted in the loss of Jewell’s art department last year
“It’s pretty flexible,” Saffier adds. With students leading busy lives, there is room for the meeting times to vary according to student interest levels and communication. Currently, the club meets every other Wednesday, from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
The main goal of this artistic gathering appears to be somewhat therapeutic, a space where art is practiced and pursued without the restrictions of a classroom setting.
Saffier adds that there are no intended restrictions on artistic endeavors. Whatever type of art one is personally interested in is art welcomed by the club. I’d imagine this as a space where collaborations can occur, that this is a space designed to be both relaxing and inspiring.
“I hope to feature pieces of our art in Inscape,” Saffier said, noting that the club is not limited to recreational art. She also informs me that the club hopes to host an art show. It will feature pieces made by members within the club, should they wish to participate in the show.
Saffier hopes that this club will help keep art alive on Jewell’s campus. She also hopes that there will be first-years and sophomores willing to keep it alive, as she graduates in the spring.
The next meeting is in Brown Hall Feb. 20. If you’re interested, Saffier encourages you to stop by. Through their advisor’s personal interest, the club retains items previously owned by the art department – you are not necessarily required to bring your own supplies.