Ballroom dance team hosts masquerade ball

The William Jewell College ballroom dance class hosted a masquerade ball in the Mabee Center Monday, Oct. 29. It was open to members of the public as well as students.

The music, which was a mixture of modern and traditional, was provided in part by KC Jazz. The band includes Dr. Will Adams, a former professor at Jewell.

The Fall Ball featured performances from members of the class, who demonstrated six of the dances they learned along with a routine from the College ballroom dance team.

“I’ve never seen another college in the Kansas City area with a program like this,” said Blair Walker, junior vocal performance major and treasurer of Ballroom Dance Club.

Students gain more than just fast feet from taking the class.

“Ballroom dance has showed me an essential life skill,” said Juan Cantu, first-year physiology major and defensive player for Jewell’s football team. “Not only has it improved my footwork in football, but it has also equipped me with the ability to dance the rest of my life.”

Dancers were treated to the presence of a celebrity guest. Three-time U.S. and International Standard ballroom champion Denise Evans attended the event.

Previously acquired dancing skills were not required to participate in the fun. Experienced dancers were on hand to show newcomers the ropes.

“This is the best ball I have been to by far,” said first-year biology major Skylar Stietz. “I found someone to teach me each dance, and through their patience I am now an expert.”

The nine-week course will be offered again in the spring semester. Another ball will be held, including more performances and a silent auction.

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