Community members honored and new academic year ushered in at Opening Convocation

On Sept. 7, the William Jewell College community gathered in Gano Chapel for Opening Convocation. The annual ceremony honors the 2018 William F. Yates Medalists as well as welcomes students, faculty and trustees back to the Hill.

The ceremony began with the procession of faculty members in full academic robes and the singing of the National Anthem. Elizabeth MacLeod Walls, president of the College, delivered a welcome message to the community.

The Concert Choir performed the musical anthem under the direction of Dr. Anthony Maglione, associate professor of music. The piece, entitled “The Same Stream,” established an accepting, forward-looking tone through the lyrics:

The same stream of life that runs through my veins night and day

runs through the world and dances in rhythmic measures.

Susan Chambers, chair of the Board of Trustees, congratulates award winner Karen L. Daniel.

Karen L. Daniel and Jewel D. Scott, received the 2018 William F. Yates Medallion, the highest non-degree award bestowed by Jewell.

Karen L. Daniel was the chief financial officer of Black and Veatch, as well as president of the company’s Global Finance and Technology Solutions Division, until her recent retirement. Daniel was introduced by Joe Reardon, the President/CEO of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce, who praised her financial accounting skills and wonderful sense of humor.

Jewel D. Scott, also recently retired, served The Civic Council of Greater Kansas City for 29 years as director of research and lateras the executive director. Sandra J. Price, former Senior Vice President of Human Resources at Sprint Corporation introduced Scott.

The address was delivered by David Warm, Executive Director of Mid-America Regional Council. Warm drew on his experience as a father and a community leader in Liberty to present an encouraging message.  

“[As critical thinkers at William Jewell, you have claimed] the skills, the confidence, the commitment to let go and move forward, to navigate the uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity,” said Warm.

At the end of the ceremony, attendees of the 2018 Opening Convocation stood to sing Jewell’s Alma Mater, ushering in a new academic year on the Hill.

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