From the Ed Staff: A goodbye to Kyle Rivas

The following comments reflect the opinions of the Editorial Staff. 

Kyle Rivas’s departure from William Jewell College feels particularly bittersweet to the Editorial Staff of “The Hilltop Monitor.” Bitter because one our biggest supporters and contributors is leaving, but sweet because we are confident that wherever he ends up, he’ll do great things.

Rivas’s photos can’t be beat, whether it’s a perfectly timed action shot at a football game or a candid picture of a student caught doing something unaware. For a publication like the Monitor, these are the sorts of photos that make a good publication great.

If you sift through our publication, you’ll notice how often we utilize a photo that Rivas has taken. His consistent attention to detail and his positivity and willingness to help out the Monitor has always been encouraging and inspiring.

We’ve all seen Rivas’s passion, dedication and talent at work at Jewell, and we know those qualities will make him successful wherever he goes. We appreciate all Rivas has done for the College and the Monitor, and we wish him good luck and a happy future.

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