Georgia Hatfield, a sophomore elementary education major, loves Christmas and celebrates all season by wearing Christmas sweaters. Most people have one or two Christmas sweaters, as ugly Christmas sweater parties and themes are common during the holidays. Hatfield enjoys collecting and searching for the perfect sweater to add to her growing collection. Her collection has expanded over the years: she has accumulated over three large tubs numbering over 35 festive sweaters. Hatfield also has other Christmas accessories in her collection including headbands, leggings, necklaces and hats.
Georgia Hatfield’s favorite sweater. Some of Hatfield’s collection of Christmas accessories. Part of the Christmas vest made by Hatfield’s mom.
During the Christmas season and even after Christmas, Hatfield is on the hunt for more sweaters for her collection. She gets sweaters from a variety of places including Dillards, Kohls, Cracker Barrel and Walmart, among other stores. Hatfield enjoys a good ugly Christmas sweater but dislikes how boring some are due to the product’s commercialization. She enjoys lights and other embellishments but dislikes when lights are low quality or make cleaning difficult. Among her collection, Hatfield’s favorite sweater is her mom’s vintage black turtleneck with reindeer. According to Hatfield’s philosophy, the best Christmas sweater has lots of personality and a hint of cuteness. “If I could see my grandma wearing it, I usually buy it,” said Hatfield.
Hatfield started her collection as a freshman in high school after her mother began embellishing Christmas sweaters for sweater parties. She jokingly told her mom, “I should wear a Christmas sweater every day.” Hatfield’s mom usually makes her a sweater a year and she even went as a Christmas tree for Halloween one year. Black Friday marks the official day for wearing a Christmas sweater each day. Hatfield begins with the more simple Christmas sweaters and gradually moves to her crazier sweaters as Christmas approaches.
Hatfield says the best part about wearing a different Christmas sweater every day is seeing the reactions that people have to her fun sweaters. “People enjoy sweaters, and some have told me it’s their favorite part of the day seeing what sweater I wear,” said Hatfield. Her large collection of sweaters fascinates many and she says the most burdensome part is when people constantly ask to borrow her sweaters for Christmas parties. She often gets gifted new Christmas sweaters and even Christmas sweater ornaments or accessories. Make sure to check out Georgia Hatfield’s Christmas sweater collection as she wears a different festive sweater every day on the Hill!
Yes! Go best friend! That’s my best friend!!