It’s a YAS to the new season of Broad City

The fourth season of Broad City aired Sept. 13, and so far it has not disappointed. In case you haven’t watched Broad City yet, the show is about two women, Abbi Abrams (Abbi Jacobson) and Ilana Wexler (Ilana Glazer). It is based on a web series the actors produced about their New York City-based friendship in real life. Though on the surface this may sound like a show about nothing, these two get into all kinds of shenanigans, resulting in a hilarious montage of adventures.

I was first introduced to Broad City this summer by a good friend from high school and was instantly hooked watching the first three seasons in one month. To be honest, I wasn’t a huge fan of the first episode of this season, but the others proved to be good and have me excited for each episode. I think part of my reservation with this season is that I can’t click ‘next episode’ and watch more immediately on Hulu but actually have to wait until the next week.

The first episode of the season was a look back to the day Wexler and Abrams met, giving both the real version and an alternative version. While this was a fun idea, the episode kept switching between the two versions every couple of minutes, making it difficult to follow, especially considering you didn’t know which version was the real one and which was the alternate until the end. This was definitely an episode I enjoyed a lot more when I rewatched it, but as a season opener, it did not meet my expectations.

The subsequent episodes reverted back to the usual format. This season contains just as much wit and ridiculousness as the others, but there are hints that Wexler and Abrams are growing up. Both have secured well-paying jobs with benefits. However, with Wexler’s newfound wealth comes much irresponsible spending, including one extravagant night of partying. Abrams finally gets to train Shania Twain at her gym, which was a dream of hers since the first season. Twain even convinces her to rekindle an old romance with an ex-coworker. Overall, Wexler and Abrams are still to have a good time.

Season three, which aired prior to the 2016 election, had Hillary Clinton as a guest star. Post-election, the show has taken some stabs at the Trump presidency, including bleeping his name every time it’s mentioned in a recent video they posted on social media. This season also features Wexler getting the entire Obama family painted on her nails, showing support for the past presidential administration.

I think this show is particularly appealing to millennials because Wexler and Abrams are similar to many college students, just people trying to find their way in life while having fun. These two are feminists as well. For example, they are both body positive and show support for organizations that support women’s reproductive rights like Planned Parenthood.

Even if you haven’t watched the first three seasons, I would recommend tuning in to the next episode Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. on Comedy Central.

Cover photo courtesy of Comedy Central.

Brianna Steiert

Brianna Steiert is a senior Oxbridge Molecular Biology major and mathematics minor. She serves as Features and Managing editors for the Hilltop Monitor.

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