SAAC: Student Athlete Advisory Committee

The William Jewell College Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) is an organization in which the different sports teams on campus collaborate.

SAAC is in some ways comparable to Student Senate. Each sports organization has two representatives. The representatives all come together to form the much larger assembly. It is here that the sports organizations at WJC have a voice.

“SAAC gives student athletes a way to have our opinions be heard by the Athletic Department, the [Greater Lakes Valley Conference] conference and the NCAA overall. Also, we are able to meet athletes from other schools and interact with a variety of people with really interesting backgrounds and experiences,” said Logan Routh, senior, and SAAC secretary.

Through SAAC, athletes communicate their concerns and provide their feedback to administration and the NCAA. The organization is important to athletes, as it allows them to work to improve conditions for their respective teams.

Logan Routh explained some of the objectives of the SAAC.

“We build a sense of community within the athletics program involving all athletics teams, solicit student-athlete responses to proposed conference and NCAA legislation, organize community service efforts,” he said.

SAAC works to improves the experience of student athletes in and out of sports at WJC.

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