Sports Profile: Alex Trask has the Cardinal Lady Golfers feeling optimistic

Senior biochemistry major Alex Trask kicked off her golf season finishing first place out of 88 golfers in the Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletics Association Fall Preview, shooting a 68-73. The whole team placed third in the tournament. Trask’s score is a new record for women’s golf at William Jewell College.

Women’s golf has played an important part of Trask’s college experience at Jewell.

“It’s definitely kept me busy… It’s been a great experience though because it’s given me something that has led to me meeting new people and making a lot of new friends…It’s also forced me to be good at time management,” she said.

Coach Bob Cole heavily influenced Trask’s golf career.

“Coach Cole has been super supportive of my golf since I got here” said Trask. “Any time I need anything, all I have to do is ask and he will do whatever he can to help…I definitely wouldn’t have been as successful as I have been this semester without his support”.

Trask had very good things to say about the current women’s golf team.

“We have some really talented and very enthusiastic girls on the team this year,” said Trask. “I’m really excited to see where we go as a team because I can see this group of women being very successful. I hope the women continue to have the same dedication and enthusiasm after I’m gone. I really want to see them have the same success even when my name isn’t on the roster anymore.”

The women’s golf team has two more tournaments this semester at the Maryville University Fall Invite Oct. 13 in Saint Louis and the Trevecca Nazarene University Fall Invite Oct. 22 in Nashville.

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