The Smallest Hill: The evenings are for quiet time

Imagine: you have just finished a long day of lectures, classes and assignments. Finally, you get back to your dorm and you are ready to relax. As the Gano clock tower plays its hourly tune and chimes one, two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight times, you settle down and start getting ready to relax. Laying snug with your favorite book in hand, or with the TV playing at a comfortable volume when you suddenly hear screaming, laughter and general debauchery running rampant in the hallway. Your mood drops. All you wanted was some peace and quiet after a long day.

Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash.

I have often found myself in this situation after moving into the dorm rooms at Jewell. I lie in bed trying to sleep or simply relax, only to be met with loud music or other students forgetting that they are in a shared living space. I know that living with others means the occasional nighttime interruption, but that is what they should be: occasional. The sun setting is the traditional signal for the night. By 8 p.m., it is almost always dark outside; this should be the perfect indicator of when to regulate your volume to allow others to settle down for the night. 

When you are up in the evening screaming, drinking, partying or playing music loudly, you are disrupting everyone else who needs to relax. You will also have a more challenging time falling asleep, waking up on time and being productive the following day. 

Everyone attending William Jewell College knows that sometimes you may have to spend your evenings and nights working on assignments or studying for classes. However, this doesn’t mean you have to be disruptive. Keep your shows, music, games and voice at a reasonable level that does not affect those who live near you. 

Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash.

Just respect your neighbors, man. While you might have a late night, some of us will have early mornings. It is inconsiderate to disturb your peers because you don’t want to control your volume. While in the dorms, you should keep an eye on the time or the light levels outside. If you constantly forget how late it is, set your alarm for 8 p.m. and title it “Quiet Time.” You may just find your dorm neighbors in a better mood as a result.

Unless you want an angry mob of students brandishing torches and pitchforks outside your door, it’s best to settle yourself down in the evenings. Schedule your loud parties and get-togethers for the daytime or, more preferably, in a building that isn’t a college dorm.

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