If you haven’t heard, the Jonas Brothers are back together and they have quickly risen to pop music fame, once again. Students everywhere are eager for the chance to relive some of their childhood memories.
We had the amazing opportunity to be graced by the Jonas Brothers’ presence here at William Jewell College just a few weeks ago. Student Life, in an unprecedented move, agreed to pay the full amount in order for the band to come – which was, according to our research, a fee of upwards of $25 thousand.
The Jonas Brothers arrived at the College around 5 p.m. and were set to perform at 7 p.m. on a Friday night. The College planned the event so it would not coincide with classes or other Jewell activities.
Sadly, only 7 Jewell students managed to show up to the concert. The Jonas Brothers kept waiting to begin their concert until the estimated 200-300 students came, but they never did.
The school tasked The Hilltop Monitor with surveying students in order to find out why there were such low participation rates.
Christina Kirk, sophomore Oxbridge: Institutions and Policy major, said she did not have a specific reason for not attending the event but felt as though she had other things to do.
“I wasn’t really busy during the event,” Kirk said. “I just usually like to go back to the dorms on Friday and felt I could not change my routine.”
Another student felt as though the school did not give them enough information about the event and cited that as the reason for low attendance.
“I just feel like they didn’t do a good job advertising,” said Savannah Hawley, sophomore Oxbridge: Literature and Theory and French major. “I don’t remember seeing any emails about the event or anything.”
The school insists that it repeatedly sent out emails reminding students of the event and incentivising them with free cardinal dollars, prizes and even free tuition if they showed up. The college will be continuing an investigation into this problem next semester.