With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, you may be scurrying to woo your loved one. For many college students, this may be a gruesome task. Traditional…
Read MoreThe ultimate Valentine’s Day gift guide on a budget
This Valentine’s Day weekend, you may be trying to find last-minute gifts that will warm the heart of someone special. Finding the perfect gift is…
Read MoreBalancing your life: Tips and tricks
Do you ever feel like a walking zombie in your day-to-day life? Are you constrained by obligations for school, work and other people? Taking back…
Read MoreThings I learned as a last-year
At the end of my first year at William Jewell College, I wrote an advice piece for The Hilltop Monitor titled “Things I learned as…
Read MoreWhat to do on a rainy day
While rainy days may complicate outdoor plans, don’t cry about it. Some things are simply better on rainy days. April showers are common but don’t…
Read MoreOn Transgender Day of Visibility
In keeping with the theme of having a Lifestyle page that is about, hopefully, helping its readership lead good human lives, March 31st marked Transgender…
Read MoreOn Sexual Assault Awareness Month
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM). This year’s observation of SAAM marks the 20th anniversary of a movement to “raise awareness sexual violence around…
Read MoreCall Your Mother: What do when a friend is stressed
We’ve all heard plenty of advice on what to do to manage stress. We may have even actually learned from that advice and figured out…
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