Day in the life: Skylar Seitz

Skylar Seitz, courtesy of Cassie Hayes
Skylar Seitz, courtesy of Cassie Hayes

Like many students at William Jewell College, Skylar Seitz, sophomore nonprofit leadership and psychology major, crams a myriad of activities into her days. Outside of her classes, Seitz manages the men’s basketball team and attends meetings and events as a member of Alpha Gamma Delta throughout the week. Thursdays are usually the busiest for Seitz, and her schedule on this day often looks like this:

Thursday schedule

8:00: Wake up, make a breakfast shake, do homework

10:30: Yoga class, convince her grandma to feed her Panera Bread obsession

1:00: Nonprofit fundraising class

2:10: Meeting Human Needs class

4:00: Go back to the dorm, drink another shake, feed Norman the bearded dragon, set up basketball practice

7:00: Finish cleaning up after practice, head back to the dorm, shower, binge watch “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” until falling asleep

Seitz’s schedule is a little different from most students’ because she has the schedule of a student athlete without the physical stress.

”It can be hard to balance my fitness and decompress time on this schedule,” Seitz said. “I find that for athletes on this schedule their decompressing and fitness is during practice, but I have to make time in my day elsewhere which can be difficult.”

Despite these unusual circumstances, Seitz still has advice to give other busy Jewell students.

“I think the most beneficial thing when making my schedule is having tight structure,” Seitz explained. “Setting aside time to do specific things in my day helps me to be more productive, especially when my day includes some me time.”

This is why Seitz takes the time to decompress at yoga class.

“It is my weekly restart in a sense,” she said. “ It clears my mind so I can tackle the week.”

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