GOTCHA: The Beginning

It’s the most stressful time of the year. No, it’s not finals. No, it’s not quite midterms. No, it’s not the Monday after the latest Game of Thrones episode and you’re trying to avoid spoilers on the Internet. It’s Gotcha time.

Gotcha officially started Wednesday, Sept. 23 at 8:00 am, and already hearts have been broken, and friendships have been terminated.

For those of you who have missed one of the most exciting times of the year, Gotcha is a Jewell-wide game involved with placing stickers on other students that labelled are as “Gotcha!” Safe places, or Gotcha-free places, include the Pryor Learning Commons (PLC), the Caf and residents’ rooms. However, some students have learned where the best hiding out places are.

Hannah Garner, sophomore, is taking Gotcha seriously.

“I waited an hour and a half for my person to leave the caf. It was worth all 5400 seconds,” said Garner.

One of the first “kills” occurred early Wednesday morning involved Jordan McMurray, junior.

“It was confusing to get out because I half-forgot I was playing. I was also like ‘why is this random first-year baseball player trying to talk to me.’ Afterwards I thought ‘Oh well, I have a test next period and need to look over my notes,” said McMurray.

Since then, 24 of Jewell’s finest students have lost the game of Gotcha with the earliest kill being recorded at 8:23:53 Wednesday morning. Some of the students lost include: XLVI, Imadeyoureadthis, GroomerHasIt and HerpDerpMapleSerp.

As the rest of us continue with our typically peaceful weeks at Jewell, keep in mind the students sprinting from safe space to safe space. May the odds be ever in your favor, Gotcha players.


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