The Hilltop Monitor staff is pleased to announce that our publication has recently won the Karl Marx Award for Excellence in Liberal Propaganda. Previous winners…
Read MoreAFE: The Mcdonald’s Commercial: Redone
The original, 2010. The Hilltop Monitor Version, 2016.
Read MoreAFE: 9 Things You Didn’t Know “PLC” Actually Stands For: #9 Could Help Those of You Fishing for a Phormal Date
What does PLC actually stand for? 1. People Leaving Computers ON the seemingly crimeless hill, students leave their laptops lounging about the PLC with no…
Read MoreAFE: Bottom of Curry Hall has been on fire for days, no one has noticed
The basement of Curry Hall has been on fire for four days now. The cause of the fire is unknown, much like the location of…
Read MoreAFE: How to Stalk Your Jewell Crush: an Infographic
Contributions also made by Brianna Steiert.
Read MoreAFE: Greene Hall discovered inside Brown Hall, students respond “What’s Greene Hall?”
Last month, members of the grounds keeping crew launched research of storerooms in the bottom floor of Brown Hall. Though the room remains largely unexplored, initial reports…
Read MoreAFE: PLC music brings jejalaldfjowierjopwjkdfj;lkjf sl;;;;;
Overall, I give this playlist 4.5/5 stars! If I have to criticize anything, it’s that it isn’t loud ENOUGH. The Pryor Learning Commons boasts millions…
Read MoreAFE: Beyond the Hill editor admits knowing nothing about politics
On Monday, Mar. 30, Beyond the Hill page editor Grace Smith, junior, admitted to knowing nothing about politics while standing on the fringes of the…
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