Humans of Jewell

Emmeline Talbot, senior psychology and ACT-In major, shares her post-graduation plans with the Monitor.


“I am going to Sri Lanka to work at a school for the deaf. It has children in it and I am just going to be helping them. My mom, who is an audiologist, is coming with me. I visited that school when I was 10 and it was really a great experience and I loved the country and I really just wanted to go back and get a more fulfilling experience now that I am 10 years older and re-experience all of that. I think it will be great to have an outreach. I am hopefully going to be doing a biography of the woman who runs the place. She is a Christian missionary, and I think that would be an interesting angle to look at from like how her religion inspired her to do that because not everyone there is Christian. ”

The originally Australian student is graduating in July but walking in May so she can use her Journey Grant for this trip.


“I guess I moved here [United States] when I was young so I lost my [Australian] accent. I am actually looking into going to graduate school in Australia because it is much cheaper for me. I am looking at two grad schools, so I might be going there next year. I am trying to do well in everything and just make sure that I do well enough that I can get into graduate school. I want to make sure that this is really a good final semester for me and that when I go on the Journey Grant trip I actually get something accomplished. I want to feel that I accomplished at Jewell and overseas.”

All photos taken by Harper Vincent.


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