The Netflix reboot of the 2003-2007 show, “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,” now renamed simply “Queer Eye” has been a smashing popular success. The…
Read MoreSocial Justice Book Discussion Group to read “In the Time of Butterflies”
This spring, William Jewell College Library Services will host a Social Justice Book Discussion Group (SJBD) in partnership with the Jewell Theatre Company. The book…
Read MoreEly soon again to be the place to “b-ely”
In an all-campus email sent Feb. 1, William Jewell College President Dr. Elizabeth MacLeod Walls announced that the school would be launching “Phase One of…
Read MoreUMKC downtown arts campus loses key project funding
In late January, the Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation, headed by Julia Irene Kauffman, announced the withdrawal of a $20 million pledge toward the University of…
Read MoreHumans of Jewell
What’s your biggest struggle right now? “Well, right now, it’s how in the world we’re going to get all these presents out by Christmas Eve,…
Read MoreTo be honest…with Elliott Yoakum
To be honest, male pageants like the annual Mr. Jewell normalize laughter at gender non-conformity. On Nov. 1, Zeta Tau Alpha of William Jewell College…
Read More“Through the Eyes of Picasso” and colonialism
Upon entering “Through the Eyes of Picasso,” the new featured exhibition at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art, I found myself in a narrow hallway…
Read MoreInaugural Art Brings New Meaning to Ceremony
On Oct. 21, 2017, Elizabeth MacLeod Walls was officially inaugurated the 15th president of William Jewell College. The Inauguration began at 10:00 a.m. and included…
Read MoreTo be honest…with Elliott Yoakum
To be honest, Liberty needs to do more to reconcile with its racist past and can start by removing the Confederate Memorial in Fairview Cemetery.…
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